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I'm a current examiner for CIE and find myself with a few spare days over half term when I could mark some CIE English Language iGCSE 0500 (higher tier) mock exams.

How would you like me to mark your child's practice papers so you can get some encouragement and last-minute tips? Well, this is one of those rare chances!

Costs are £20 for one paper (that is, Paper 2 or Paper 3), or £30 for 2 papers (could be 2 x Paper 2, or 2 x Paper 3, or one each of Paper 2 and Paper 3). NOTE: I don't mark Paper 1.

The only limitations are:

  1. Your child is taking the exam THIS autumn (if you're taking it in the Spring, please wait)
  2. Only a maximum of two papers per student
  3. You can choose which papers you sit as long as they're summer 2015 or later. 
  4. Don't submit any papers that the student has already practised, or the results will be skewed. Check Xtreme Papers for numerous versions you could use.

Contact me on the blogger form ASAP to receive further details, such as where to post the papers and how to pay.

THESE WILL BE MARKED EARLY IN THE WEEK BEFORE THE EXAM, that is, the half-term week in October. You will receive the marked scripts before the weekend. I know this doesn't give you much time to revise, but this is the only time period that I'm able to provide a marking service for people who don't enrol in my crammer courses.

If it transpires that I'm inundated with scripts, I will mark them on a first come/first served basis, and will only cash cheques of those whom I mark. Keep an eye on the blog or the Facebook page to see if I've had to close submissions for having received too many for the small window I'm available to mark.
